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About Candida

How we tackle Candida

Candida case study

Stresses left untreated

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*Disclaimer: The services offered on this website are not diagnostic or designed to treat or cure any disease, illness or condition. The programs are based around dietary and nutritional programs designed to support the body’s natural processes. If you have any illness or condition or you are concerned about your health, you should see a health professional.

Candida Case Study


Blocked nose, congested chest, catarrh, could not breath, loss of confidence, cold, anxiety, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). She had been feeling very low for a few years, unable to get out of the house and her quality of life was almost nil. She said she had “lack of energy for the world”.

Primary Stress Factor

Candida overgrowth

Herbs and Homeopathy

  • AF formula – botanical specific to yeast infections
  • C8 – Caprylic Acid, saturated fatty acid
  • Homeopathic Tagging

Nutritional Deficiencies

  • P5P – vitamin in activated form
  • Zinc Picolinate – mineral in high absorption format
  • Magnesium Citrate Malate – mineral in high absorption format
  • Omega 3 – Essential Fatty Acid

Dietary Stress Factors

Specific food intolerances were identified and removed from the diet. A diet was devised to help balance the gut including the removal of sugar and fruit from the diet for the first 3 weeks.


She is absolutely delighted and cannot believe how well she now feels. She takes daily walks, Pilates classes and other activities. Her family and friends say that she is a ‘changed’ woman.

Important – please do not try and self diagnose yourself using any of the information contained in the case study. Each set of circumstances is unique to the individual and it is important to find out which ones are affecting you and what the specific solutions are.

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*The services offered on this website are not diagnostic or designed to treat or cure any disease, illness or condition. The programs are based around dietary and nutritional programs designed to support the body’s natural processes. If you have any illness or condition or you are concerned about your health, you should see a health professional.

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